An interview with Kelly Moore, Senior Manager of Product Management at Golden Section Product Development is a key pillar of what we do at Golden Section, and is led by people with a clear and defined purpose in building something great. Senior Product Manager...
Product Efficiency: An Essential Measure for B2B SaaS Founders
Creating a product is chaotic. Nothing about it is smooth or easy. In Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote "One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.” Good products require dealing with the chaos, embracing it in the...
When Building B2B SaaS, Start With The Customer and Then Grow From There
Start with the customer - There is no greater task for a B2B software founder than to know the customer using and benefiting from their product. Branding, scaling, growing, team, culture… there are thousands of things to think about when growing a B2B...
Why Founders Should Strongly Consider Multi-Tenancy Architecture
Founders who partner with Golden Section know that we don’t just offer cash and leave them to navigate the competitive world of B2B SaaS by themselves. We journey together from product development and pre-seed funding all the way through series A rounds to achieve...
Reducing the Shadow of What May Come With Customers by Delivering a Full Half Product instead of Half-Done Full Product
Customers don’t want the shadow of what may come, they look for the complete package. Reduce your story to fit the package you can deliver. Bringing a B2B software product to market is a resource game. It’s high stakes, but still just a resource game. And no founder...
The Most Efficient Way to Staff Your Startup
When should a startup bring talent in-house? It's an understatement to say that a startup company has a lot going on! As a business stakeholder and business leader, you’re juggling multiple “full-time” jobs: bringing an idea from concept to fruition taking an MVP...
The Importance of Patience in the Software Development Process
Good software takes patience to form into the right cultural fit; complete with the nuances that will ensure permanence. Patience, hard thing! the hard thing but to pray, But bid for, Patience is! Patience who asks Wants war, wants wounds; weary his times, his tasks;...
It Is Essential to Focus on The Human Interface of Your B2B SaaS Product!
Software company founders face a range of paradoxes in scaling their company. One of them is thinking for the long term in product design. How should a founder design for the long term with a temporary material? It’s like asking an architect to build a classic...