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Chunru Liang

Position: Business Analyst
Favorite food: Chinese food
Categories: Product
Location: China, Fangying

I had servered a German company for 7 years upon my graduation from university in the position of Project Management. And I really enjoy team work and also providing strong support from various aspectives to the team.

What is one thing people should know about you? I am always responsible to my work, company, colleagues and also myself. That is to say, you can rely on me for work!

What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you? Frankly speaking, I am a little introvert though it is not easy to tell.

What are you most passionate about professionally? The honor and value you can bring to the job and also the team and yourself.

What are you most passionate about personally? Hiking and time with family and friends

What is your favorite place to travel to and why? Hometown, where I have my big family.

What is your favorite way to pursue balance in your life? Focus on work at work time and focus on life at offwork time.